Dollops for Donuts
This is a distinct look at Denver bands and venues from the mid 80s, 90s, 2000s to the present.
Dollops for Donuts Logo-by Travis J Little
Dollops for Donuts
#5 Soulciety, One Day, evolution, An-ism, Candy, Cuts and Bruises, warehouse series, with Travis Little and Brian Steckel "Bird"
Nate Weaver and Andrew Novick sit down with Travis Little and Bird to discuss more of the late 90s warehouse scene in Denver and more specifically, Soulciety. The Soulciety warehouse existed from late 1997 early 1998 to 2002 on Brighton Blvd and 35th Ave. The warehouse, was a home, gallery, work space, practice space, screen print shop and art collective that fostered many talented artists in the Denver and metro area. Please join us for this in depth look with some old friends and excellent mochi donuts from Kaluka Boba
Big thank you to Indi for picking up the donuts and welcoming us..
Peter Bergman
- Sociometry Fair
- Raw Fury
Pao - Andrew Novick- "Candy, Cuts & Bruises"
- Ratiocination
- Bobby Collins Death Metal Armada
- Wild Canadians
- Burste
- Otion
Bird-Chameleon of Style
June 2nd
National Donut Day
Written by Nate Weaver
Co-Host Andrew Novick
Intro and Outro tune- "Waiting for the Sun" featuring Travis Little live at the Bluebird Theatre